Daniel Chapter 10 - The Unseen Spiritual Warfare

Do we realise that there are spiritual battles going on around us?

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Joshua 23:11

Daniel Chapter 10-12 is the last section of book of Daniel where he sees a vision relating to the people of God in the future.

In Daniel Chapter 10, we read about how Daniel saw the vision which made him exceedingly sorrowful such that he mourned for 3 weeks (v1-3). At the end of the 3 weeks, another vision came to him, in which he saw two beings. The first was a man clothed in linen, whose waist was girded with gold of Uphaz, whose body was like Beryl, whose face was like the appearance of lightning (v5) who came to give him understanding of the previous vision, and the second was a being with the likeness of men who touched Daniel’s lips and strengthened Him (v16-18).

Later it was made known to Daniel by the first being that he had fought with the prince of Persia for 21 days before coming to Daniel (v12). He later mentions that he will return to fight the prince of Persia and afterward the prince of Greece will come.

What do these things mean, and what can we learn? In this devotional I would like to focus on just one point.

This chapter points to the unseen spiritual warfare being waged around us. Ephesians tells us that our warfare is not physical but spiritual, against principalities, against powers and rulers of the darkness of this age (Eph 6:12). The devil was also referred to as the prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:2). These princes thus refer to evil spirits.

The man clothed in linen, a messenger of God, was sent to give Daniel understanding from the first day Daniel received the vision (v12) but he was withstood by the prince of Persia. Michael, one of the chief princes, came to his aid (v13). There was also an upcoming rise of the Prince of Greece. We know from history, that the Greek empire rose to power after the Persians. This goes to show that spiritual powers have an influence on the world we live today! Besides that, the devil also opposes the work of God (v12).

Do we recognise the fact that we live in a world under the influence of the evil one? Do we recognise that we have to fight as part of God’s army? One example is our evangelistic services. Do we realise that our evangelistic services are a form of spiritual warfare? Or have we grown numb to it and perhaps forget to even pray for it? It is very easy to forget that we have a spiritual battle to fight especially because we cannot see it. It is very easy to sit through an evangelistic service and “move on with life” whether or not there are people who have come to believe. But if we could see this spiritual battle for ourselves, and see the frightening scene of souls being snatched by the devil, I wonder what our reaction will be?

May we, as a church, recognise that we have a spiritual battle to fight, one of which is to save souls. The devil will not back down. It will surely be a losing battle if we do not recognise there is one. Let us take up the whole armour of God and fight for Him.

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