Daniel Chapter 11 - Refined, Purified, Made White

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Beginning from chapter 8, Daniel begins to prophesy about the future of God’s nation, Israel, which is referred to as “the Glorious Land” (8:9; 11:16, 41). We read of wars between kingdoms, such as Persia versus Greece (11:2-4) and the Northern versus the Southern kingdoms of the Greek empire (11:5-35). We also read of a vicious king who will exalt himself against God and oppress Israel (8:9-11; 11:31-33, 36-39). In history, this king was Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-164 BCE) who was notoriously known for his depraved acts, like placing idols in God’s temple and offering pigs as burnt sacrifices to blaspheme God.

While these prophecies have been fulfilled in history, they are also awaiting fulfilment in the end times. The book of Revelation, which parallels the book of Daniel, also speaks of a figure who will blaspheme against God and wage war with the saints in the end times (Rev 13:5-7). Here then lies a point of critical self-reflection: how sensitive am I to the Anti-Christs that are already active in the world, in the form of societal attitudes and trends? Am I able to resist them, holding fast to my faith?

Consider Daniel 11:35 which describes the fate of the Israelites who held onto their faith despite sword, flame, captivity and plundering by the king at that time:

“And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time.”

This verse is also somewhat repeated in 12:10 with the words “refined”, “purified” and “made white”. This highlights the importance of holding onto our faith amidst Anti-Christs so that eventually we will be counted worthy to reunite with Jesus in heaven (Rev 3:4-5). Therefore, let us also ponder: what steps can I take right now to build up a faith that will ensure I’m refined, purified, and whitened when Jesus comes again?

May we be able to sing this song of welcome for our Lord when we see Him again, as we’re dressed in the radiant fine linen of our righteous acts (Rev 19:6-8):

“Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.”


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