John Chapter 12 - Value Systems

Our values drive our decisions. How much do you value Jesus?

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“Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.”
(John 12:25)

This is not the first time Jesus said this. 

Before His transfiguration, Jesus said a similar message to His disciples: “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 16:25) 

This statement calls us to reflect on our values system. Which do we value more – our lives in this world, or Jesus?

This statement also highlights the serious consequence of having the wrong values system. Value this world, and we die. Value Christ, and we live – forever. 

Consider the people in John 12 who had wrong values systems. 

The Pharisees and other Jewish leaders, who valued the honour of man (John 12:42-43; 5:44). 

The crowd, who valued their freedom and expected Jesus to be a physical king who will fulfil their wish of freeing them from Roman rule (12:12-13, 34; 6:15). 

Judas, who valued wealth and eventually betrayed Jesus (12:4-6).  

Blinded by their wrong values, these people could not see and accept Jesus as their spiritual King who would heal their souls (12:39-40). Consequently, they remained dead in their sins. 

Furthermore, by the time Judas came to his senses and realised what he had given up, it was too late. All he had left, was unbearable regret (Matthew 27:3-5).

How about the people in John 12 who had the right values systems? 

Mary, who valued anointing Jesus in time, more than her worldly future (John 12:3). 

As per Jewish customs at that time, Mary could have been reserving that costly spikenard oil for various reasons – beauty treatment for marriage, self-medication for ailments, emergency funds for household crises. Yet, instead of saving it for her future, Mary chose to spend it all on Jesus, there and then. 

And Mary could not have picked a better time, because later when other women wanted to do the same, it was too late – Jesus no longer needed their anointing (Luke 23:55 – 24:3).   

Speaking of Jesus, let us not forget how He valued the will of the Father above His own will (John 12:27; Matthew 26:39, 42), resulting in the salvation of many, including generations to come (John 12:24). 

Therefore, let us have the right values system.    

Hate our sinful desires; Love the fruit of the Spirit. 

Hate a life entrenched in this world; Love a life hidden in Christ. 

Reject living for ourselves; Embrace living for Christ, while we still have today.    


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