Closer Day By Day
Drawing closer to Jesus through His words
All Devotionals by 2 Copper Mites
Amos Chapter 1 - The Side of God That No One Wants to See
God's fierce judgment and intolerance for evil teaches us something important about His love.
Read MoreJohn Chapter 15 - The True Vine
Stay connected to Jesus for a life of spiritual fullness and joy.
Read MoreJohn Chapter 12 - Value Systems
Our values drive our decisions. How much do you value Jesus?
Read MoreDaniel Chapter 11 - Refined, Purified, and Made White
Hold on to your faith and be counted worthy of heaven.
Read MoreEzekiel Chapter 45 - When God wants to dwell among His people…
From chapter 40 until the end of Ezekiel, God foretells of a glorious future for His people: when, after thoroughly measuring the temple (chapters 40 to 42), God’s glory re-enters and re-fills the temple (43:4-5). Thereafter, God promises that He will dwell amid the children of Israel forever (43:7). However, there is one condition: there cannot be anymore defilement of God’s temple, including uncircumcised foreigners (44:9) and in terms of the priests’ lifestyles and conduct (44:17-27). Ezekiel 45 continues from chapter 44 with God’s requirements for His people, including the princes (i.e., leaders) and the whole nation, when He dwells among them. The chapter starts with God’s instructions for dividing the land of Israel. He instructs a bigger area to be allocated for Himself compared to the area for the prince and people. The area for the prince and people is 25,000 cubits long and 5,000 cubits wide (45:6); whereas God’s area, albeit the same length, is double in width (45:1). Reflecting on this: today, how much ‘space’ does God occupy in our hearts? Does He have a bigger space than our personal wants, worries and aspirations? The amount of ‘heart space’ we give to God shows in how submissive we are towards God in our lives – the more God fills and controls our thoughts, the more we will align our speech, conduct, and decisions with His will in the Bible. Ultimately, with continual spiritual nurture, God should not just occupy ‘a big enough space’ in our hearts, but all of it, filling us all in all (Ephesians 1:23b) and having complete control over our hearts. There is no limit to the infilling of the Holy Spirit (John 3:34b). Meaning, as long as we live, the pursuit of being filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit is a never-ending one. So, let the ‘district’ of God in our hearts be an ever-growing one until He fills all in all. Leaders who are just and righteous, instead of oppressive towards the people (Ezekiel 45:9); leaders who use honest measures (verse 10-12); and leaders who will help make atonement for the people’s sins by preparing the various offerings to God such as the burnt, grain, drink and sin offerings (verse 13-17, 22-25). In short, these leaders, together with the priests and Ezekiel (verse 18-20), were to actively bridge the people to God. Today, as long as we are in the True Jesus Church, we are also supposed to actively bridge people to God (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). How active and faithful have we been in our daily ministry of reconciliation? Reflecting on the three requirements of God for His leaders mentioned earlier: By shunning sin, including sins against others; by carefully following all of God’s moral standards in the Bible; and by faithfully praying for the salvation of others, God will zealously work through us to reconcile the whole world to Himself. Then, we will be approved by Him as good and faithful servants worthy of entering His joyous kingdom (Matthew 25:23). Not because of their great numbers or any other physical merits, but simply because of His great love and because He is a God who keeps covenants (Deuteronomy 7:7-9). In return, as His people, God wants our complete love in the form of complete obedience to His commandments. This means letting His Spirit fill and control us ceaselessly and living a life of zealously bridging our world to God. Amen.
Read MoreEzekiel Chapter 38 - Coming Like a Storm, Covering Like a Cloud
In the previous chapter, God prophesies about how He will revive His people Israel with His Spirit, transforming them from a valley of dry bones to His great living army (Ezekiel 37: 1-14). Such a spiritual revival was necessary to enable the Israelites to face a coming enemy in the last days: a foreign nation named Gog, who will come like a storm and cover them like a cloud (Ezekiel 38:9, 16). Furthermore, God states that this event will occur in “the latter years/days” (Ezekiel 38:8, 16), meaning this is a prophecy about the last days. As such, we who are God’s spiritual Israelites through our baptism (Galatians 3:27-29) must note this enemy Gog and prepare ourselves to face him. Here are three things we must note about our spiritual enemy: The time when we can live and worship God safely, freely, and easily is also the time when we are most prone to letting our guards down, perhaps even losing our “walls, bars, and gates” (v11). In times of peace and religious freedom, we may take for granted the ease of coming to church weekly and safely, being able to pray and read the Bible peacefully in our homes and being able to openly practice and preach our faith before others. Yet, here lies the danger: when we, because of such ease, unknowingly slacken in our faith. Remember that the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). He is always on the lookout for any opportunity to topple us through temptation (Luke 4:13). Therefore, sober up instead of slackening in our safety! Twice in verses 16 and 17, God says, “I will bring you (Gog) against My land.” Not that God will twist the heart of Gog from a godly to evil one and consequently destroy His people. Rather, God already knows the heart of Gog, that it is thoroughly evil (v10); that Gog, upon seeing how God gathers and blesses His people (v8), will respond by devising evil plans to destroy them instead of joining their worship of the one true God. And yet, knowing Gog’s reaction, God is still determined to gather and bless His people anyway. Why? Because God is in absolute control and more than able to quell Gog (v18-22) and deliver His people from Gog’s evil plans; and when this happens, God will be magnified, sanctified, and known to all nations, who can then turn to Him for salvation (v23). Knowing this, our part is simply to endure all temptation, with absolute unwavering faith in our God, until we receive His approval and crown of life (James 1:12). The phrases “coming like a storm” and “covering like a cloud” are used to depict the vastness of Gog’s army (v9, 4-6). Spiritually speaking, they also depict the all-encompassing nature of the forces that attack our faith. Assaults on our faith can come from all areas of our life – our health, our studies, our career, our relationships, our media, our cultural and political systems, just to name a few. Knowing our spiritual enemy will attack us in all possible vital points, we must therefore wear and bear the whole armour of God for complete protection (Ephesians 6:11-17); do not neglect any pieces of this armour! Just like how a storm is preceded by tangible warning signs – the sound of thunder rumbling, the darkening of the sky as clouds gather, the windiness and coldness we feel – the coming of this great spiritual enemy will also be preceded by early warning signs (Luke 12:54-56), such as the prevalence of falsehood and evil (Matthew 24:4-12). May we therefore discern the spiritual “climate” of our times and prepare ourselves for this storm so that we can rise above it, approved by God.
Read MoreEzekiel Chapter 21 - The Sword of God
This chapter talks about the sword of God against His people and the Ammonites, with the word “sword” being mentioned 15 times! This sword (i.e. Babylon, v19-20) is a sword of judgement that God would use to punish these two groups of people for their sins. Here are 3 things that will happen when this sword is drawn: Why both the righteous and wicked – is God being unfair? We know from the consistent message of the Bible that this is not so. God is just, and He does not indiscriminately slay the righteous with the wicked. Even for a city as depraved as Sodom and Gomorrah, God delivered Lot and his family, the only few righteous people remaining (fewer than 5!), before destroying the city (Genesis 18:23-26). Moreover, by cutting off the righteous from the land, God not only delivers them from further physical suffering including forced labour by the Babylonians, He also delivers them from further spiritual corruption by their wicked kinsmen who were steeped in idolatry. God’s promise of delivering the righteous from their troubles is a promise we must cling to (Psalm 34:19). We must also recognise that ultimately, God wants to deliver us in a spiritual sense – from the temptations of the evil one (Matthew 6:13), the corruption of the world caused by evil desires (2 Peter 1:4), and the corruption in hell (Psalm 16:10). Therefore, let us trust in the righteousness of God, knowing His will for us is not to perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). The original meaning of Israel is “prince with God”. However, now that their scepter is despised, Israel is no longer prince with God, no longer son of the King of kings. Israel is dethroned, because of the people’s wickedness. Yet, God foretells the coming of One whom God will crown because He is the rightful Ruler (v27b) – this One is none other than our Lord Jesus, whose reign and kingdom is everlasting (Luke 1:33). Just like how Esau lost his God-given birthright because of his choice to gratify a moment’s hunger, Israel lost their precious status as prince with God, children of God, because of their choice to persist in their unfaithfulness towards Him (Ezekiel 14:13). How about us: do we make personal choices that jeopardise our precious relationship with God? What does God remember? Their sins. As a result, what will God forget? His relationship with them – in other words, an utter disowning of His people. But… did God permanently forget His people? Again, we know from the consistent message of the Bible, as well as history, that this was not so. Rather, God disowns them with the purpose of cleansing them from their sins so that He can re-own them as His people – a people with a new spirit and heart of flesh that submits to God’s laws (Ezekiel 11:19-20), who will no longer stray from God (Ezekiel 14:11). As the psalmist says: “His anger is but for a moment, His favour is for life.” (Psalm 30:5) God promises that if we repent and return to Him wholeheartedly – fearing Him, meditating on His name, and serving Him (Malachi 3:16-18) – God will remember us and bless us with His favour for the rest of our life, in this age and the age to come. By always using the sword of His word to prune away sin from our hearts (Hebrews 4:12-13). Let us daily examine our thoughts and intents to see if they align with the Bible’s standards. Remember that we are naked and open to Him, secret sins and all, and one day we must give an account to God who will judge all our thoughts, words and deeds. Amen.
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