Closer Day By Day
Drawing closer to Jesus through His words
All Devotionals by Camel In A Needle

John Chapter 11 - To God Be the Glory, Great Things He Has Done
May our life and death point the living to glorious skies.
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Ezekiel Chapter 46 - A Prince Amidst His People
“The prince shall then be in their midst. When they go in, he shall go in; and when they go out, he shall go out.” – Ezekiel 46: 10 Intermittently highlighted throughout this chapter is the integration and interwovenness of the prince’s movements with his people. He is not exempt from the coordination of movements and activities within the temple – uses the same entry and exit routes as his people and does not make himself the exception to rules and regulations. As in Deuteronomy 17: 20, this prince is a royal whose heart is with his people, whose mind is not lifted above his brethren. This is a prince of the people, whose top priority is in living a life in sustained communion with his people. We go about our days differently – some of us start each day looking forward to the end, some of us move through the motions, and some of us work for meaning and sense of satisfaction. Regardless of perspective and approach, how often does the thought of Jesus cross our minds? With every next step, do we remember Him? Do we trust that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is in and within our midst, in and amongst us, His people? Regardless of the furiosity or frivolity of our lives’ issues, are we living testaments of Jesus’ unwavering, most times seemingly unassuming, abidance? As we map out and carry out our heart’s plans everyday, weave in and out of crowds of distractions and commotion, may Jesus and His footsteps, in full view, remain.
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Ezekiel Chapter 36
“Then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that Upon reading this verse, hymn 262, I Want a Principle Within, started playing in my mind. Doing anything and everything under the sun that was seemingly right in their own eyes appears to be the signature trademark of the Israelite nation. As we readily and easily point out and analyse each of their sins, all their grievances, deliberate acts of disobedience, are we numb, ignorant or perhaps, in denial of those of our own? Or is pain synonymous with our plights? God’s decisive hand in sanctifying His holy and hallowed name shows us how powerless we are at redeeming ourselves, turning away from temptation for good, and how far we fall short of His standard, how far we’ve fallen from grace. God’s actions also give us a glimpse into His perspective – how He sees us. If we constantly see ourselves as God does, would we not, like Adam and Eve at the beginning of time, be ridden with shame and guilt, then be resolved to live lives of reconciliation with God? May the unspeakable holiness and sanctity of God and His name keep our sights unobstructed towards the stains in our slumbering souls.
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