Lest we be caught off guard.

Written by
Camel in a needle
2 min read
With each passing moment in this life, how watchful are we of ourselves? How frequently do we make conscious efforts to go into quiet, even secret, deliberate meditation with God, seek God to search us, to forthrightly reveal to us the subconsciously deceitful, desperately wicked things of our hearts? How remorseful and resolved are we in our repentance and change?
“Woe to you who put far off the day of doom, who cause the seat of violence to come near… invent for yourselves musical instruments like David… are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.” (Amos 6: 3-6)
Are we like the Israelites, so detached from true, wholehearted and earnest faith, worship and service to God? Have the vain and hollow noises and distractions of this world stifled the incorruptible wisdom in the diligent and vigilant pursuit of an impassioned life preserved by God?
The Bible constantly reminds us not to learn from the Israelites, warns us of the unspeakable consequences that follow, but in reality, are we just as insensitive to our own sins? How much have we undermined, taken for granted, not taken to heart our status and purpose as God’s chosen people?
This chapter swiftly depicts scenes and acts of a failing nation that has lost their first love, their zeal and reverence for the righteousness and judgement of God. What about us today? What is the full account of our lives in God’s eyes?
May God test us everyday, give every man according to his ways, try us, that we may never depart from His will and His way, always ready for the Day He comes again.