Follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus.
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Drawing the Well's Water

With the start of the year, naturally, we start with goals and directions as to how we hope our year may carry out.
Just like how it is important for companies to do annual planning, we too need to look ahead and decide how we will walk our journey of faith this year. This will help us be more deliberate in the choices we make, lest we drift through the year aimlessly and one day find that we have drifted far from Jesus’ side.
1. Walk Circumspectly
We also often hear people gasp at how “the year flew by”.
Time slips away from us faster than we realise. Since the time we have is essentially the life we have left, failing to make use of our time wisely would mean that we have wasted the days of our lives.
Life as described by the Bible is likened to a vapor that comes a little while before vanishing (James 4:14b). Thus, it is important for us to “walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wide, redeeming the time, because the days are evil”(Eph 5:15-16).
Whether we walk circumspectly can be seen through the choices we make.
Choosing to keep the full Sabbath. Having daily prayers and bible reading. Joining in fellowships and serving God.
Pursuing things which last forever, rather than striving for things which will one day pass away.
How will you walk circumspectly this year?
2. Walk Worthy of the Calling
Paul reminds the Ephesians to “walk worthy of the calling with which you were called” (Eph 4:1).
When reflecting, we may think back to moments we spent in church serving, having communion with God, and having fellowship with the brethren.
Perhaps not all those moments were sweet. Some bitter. Maybe we had conflicts or disagreements with certain members.
Despite it all, we must recognise all of these moments as the grace of God.
For we were once gentiles who had no part with Christ, unworthy to receive this grace(Rom 5:8). But God has called us by name from the corners of the world to be His children (Isa 43:5-7), to be part of His body.
Hence, just as Paul exhorts, we should adopt a humble attitude (Eph 4:2) and view others as better than ourselves (Phil 2:3).
When we meet with conflicts in church, let us have patience for one another’s weaknesses. Seeking to edify the household, rather than causing further dissent.
How will you walk worthy of the calling?
3. Walk to Preach the Gospel
Lastly, let us reflect on how we will walk to preach the gospel.
Preaching the gospel is an important work as Paul puts it plainly:
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in HIm of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:14)
There are many who have yet to hear of the gospel, let alone know God. And having not received the light of Christ, they are unable to break out of the influence of Satan (1 John 5:19). For us who have received the gospel despite our unworthiness, should we not share the good news with others?
Moreover, the final command Jesus gave was for His apostles to preach the gospel to all the world (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47). Preaching is more than just a good work.
In fact, it is our duty!
So just as Isaiah 52:7 tells us– “How beautiful are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaim peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns!”
From the various instances of evangelism in the book of Acts, the Bible shows us how simple preaching the gospel can be.
A simple conversation at the river.
Explaining the Bible to one who is unable to understand the word.
Sharing a testimony of how we came to know of God.
In the year ahead, how will we walk to preach the gospel?