Bible Reading

John Chapter 16 - Time to Say Goodbye...

Farewells aren't easy.

3 min read

As we spend more time with someone, we grow closer to them. We open up and share more of ourselves with them. When the time comes to say goodbye, especially when someone migrates or passes away, it can be hard.

Returning to the Father

After following Jesus for three years, the disciples now have to face the reality of Jesus needing to leave them and go away (John 16:5). After a little while, they will no longer see Jesus any more (John 16:16).

Jesus came forth from the Father and came into the world. Now, it's time for Him to leave the world and return to the Father (John 16:28).

As a result, sorrow filled the disciples' hearts (John 16:6). The one whom they had relied on for the past three years, the one who solved all their problems, and the one who answered all their questions, would be gone.

Jesus would soon have to be arrested and crucified, and the disciples would all scatter and leave Jesus alone (John 16:32). 

Jesus loves His disciples, and hence He makes this farewell speech to His disciples (John 16:1-4), to mentally prepare them for all the challenges they face. In the next chapter (John 17), Jesus goes a step further to pray for His disciples as He sends them into the world.

He's Coming Soon

When we say our goodbyes, one of the most comforting things is knowing that we can see each other again. 

This gives us hope, something to look forward to amidst all the sorrow. 

Jesus has already said He will not leave them as orphans (John 14:18). Though He leaves for a moment, He promises to return.

In fact, it is good that Jesus goes away so that the Helper will come to them (John 16:7). When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide them into all truth and continue telling them the things of God (John 16:12-15).

And when the Helper comes, Jesus promises that, like a woman who has given birth, their sorrow will turn into joy. They will no longer remember their anguish. They will rejoice, and *no one can take away their joy from them* (John 16:19-22).

The downpouring of the Holy Spirit brings us great joy (Acts 13:52, Gal 5:22-23, 1 Thess 1:6). Though today Jesus is not with us physically, the Holy Spirit dwelling in us is Jesus Himself abiding in us (John 14:15-18, 23-26).

Final Reflections

We are in a similar position today, awaiting the second coming of Jesus. In the meantime, we face tribulations and hardships in the world. We toil and labour to make a living; we succumb to unexpected illnesses; we are at the mercy of many others around us in our lives.

Yet, just as Jesus promises in this chapter, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us (evidenced by speaking in tongues). The abidance of the Holy Spirit gives us true hope, joy, and peace amidst our difficult times.

Farewells can be hard. 

However, one of the most precious things about our Christian faith is that, though Jesus is no longer physically with us today, we need not fear and can wait in anticipation of His return.

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