Join us for our special service!

True Jesus Church Open House

Have you ever wondered…
- ⁠Who is Jesus?
- ⁠Why are there so many churches today, does it matter which one I attend?
- ⁠What should I look for in a church?

The True Jesus Church will be having our Open House on 29th September from 9:45am - 1pm and we’d like to invite you to come and see!
We’ll be having a sharing on ”Why Are There So Many Churches?” followed by some free and easy booths for you to learn more about our church’s beliefs and hear more from us.
Interested? Click here to register 22nd September, see you there!


9:45-10:00 | Registration
10:00-10:45 | Message on “Why Are There So Many Churches”
11:00-12:30 | Free and Easy Booths
- Introduction to Our Beliefs(Existence of God, Baptism and Holy Spirit)
- Testimonies of God’s Grace and Guidance
- DIY Terrarium
12:30-13:00 | Lunch


True Jesus Church (Adam Road)

17D Adam Road, Singapore 289890

A picture of True Jesus Church (Adam Road)'s exterior

Who Are We

We're the True Jesus Church, a global, non-denominational church built upon the teachings of Jesus and His apostles. Founded by the Holy Spirit, our mission is to spread the complete gospel of salvation to the ends of the earth.

Learn more about us

We have four places of worship, and we gather for Sabbath and night worship services. We welcome you to join us for any of our in-person services!

Worship with us