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Closer Day By Day

Drawing closer to Jesus through His words

All Devotionals by Eido


Daniel Chapter 12 - Ready …, Set …, Huh …?

The great and dreadful day of the Lord draws near. Are we ready for that the time of trouble or will it hit us by surprise?

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Daniel Chapter 6

Those who grew up in church would have heard or read the story of Daniel in the lions’ den countless times.  Even those who are new to the faith would likely be no stranger to the simple story that is only one chapter long. For those of us who are well acquainted with the story, do we glance through the passages swiftly or even side-stepping this part of the Bible altogether, due to our familiarity.  Or do we continue to savour and be captivated by this incident (and the teachings encapsulated therein), just like how we relish and enamoured with timeless classics and story that we never tire of, like beauty and the beast and Aladdin. Are we still inspired by the remarkable example that Daniel provided to us.  That despite his busy life as a governor (one of three) who oversee the satraps who manages the mighty Persian empire, which stretches from Egypt to the West and borders of India to the East, he continues steadfastly to find time to pray three times a day.  Bearing in mind that in those days, when unlike us today, they do not have inventions that automate and simplify many processes.  Remember how Moses was severely bogged down when he took upon himself to hear and judge the cases of the Israelite nation, which forms only a small part of the Persian empire.  Daniel knows his priority in life, that prayer is the immovable rock in his life that he dearly adheres to.  All other matters play second fiddle, not matter how important or urgent.  What is even more praiseworthy is that he did not back down despite hearing the royal command.   It was not just a mere threat that confronted Daniel, that the king might punish the offender but rather a certain death if found out.  Daniel has been serving in the king’s courts are the years, and he is definitely in the best position to know how the laws of Persia and Medes work, that once a decree is established and signed, even the king does not have the power to change or to alter.  Daniel’s faith and trust in God, as well as God’s care and protection, serves as a great confidence booster to the rest of us.    As we read this story, we may be wondering where Daniel’s three friends at this time are.  Have they kept the faith?  Do they shrink and fall back in their faith, having succumbed to the pressure of towing the line in keeping the decree, playing it safe but outwardly showing that they compile by hiding their prayer life behind closed doors.  As no details are shared, let us not speculate and make unnecessary inferences.  The main point of the story is Daniel’s submission to God rather than to men, even at the cost of his life.  Let us also take note that at the time when Daniel’s three friends were thrown in the fiery furnace, Daniel was also not there at that time.  Does his absence mean that Daniel compromised his faith and bowed down to the image?  Obviously not.  We can only assume that Daniel was not present at that time, for he could have been sent to another part of the empire, for we know that Daniel would have stood his ground at that time, just like how he did so here.   May we always be stirred up in our faith through constant reminders of this story.  

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Ezekiel Chapter 47

God subjected Ezekiel through an immersive experience in the vision of walking in the river. From Ezekiel’s first account that the water reaches his ankle, to the next encounter where the waters reaches his knees, to the point that the waters reaches his waist and finally when the waters became so deep that it was impossible to walk but one needs to swim, and even so the currents are so strong that one cannot swim across. From our personal experiences, such first-hand experiential activities leave a deeper and more lasting impressions, as compared to just seeing (visual) and listening (audial). So why did God use this approach? What key and essential message did He want to impart to Ezekiel? And what bearing does it have for us today? “And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes.” “And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes.” The power and significance of the river can be seen through the effects. The teeming vitality, the abundance of life brought about by the healing powers of the river. Jesus proclaimed on the last day of the feast (John 7:38 – 39), “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” And the scriptures continued to explain that the river of living water refers to the Holy Spirit. Paul also declared to us “Or do you not know that your body is the Is this same power that God revealed to Ezekiel manifested in us as well. Do we bring God’s healing power to the people that we meet each day. Do we live up to God’s expectations of us? Have we truly and sincerely do all that we can to repay God for His great love and mercy towards us. There is definitely still much that we must do. Let us continue to stir up and encourage one another as we see the day of the Lord approaching. “But its swamps and marshes will not be healed; they will be given over to salt.” Alas, we do see also that there are areas that the healing power of God do not reach. Let us however not be mistaken thinking that it is the limitation to the power of God. Rather, it is sadly the deplorable state of man’s heart as Stephen declared in Acts 7:51, “ Let us thus guard our hearts with all diligence, that we do not fall in the same error in our ways. Let us not be the barren fig tree that waste the ground (Luke 13:6 – 9), nor should we be the enlightened but to fall away and put our Lord to open shame (Heb 6: 4 – 8).

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Ezekiel Chapter 39

What thoughts spring into mind as we read this chapter?   As we read of the utter destruction of Gog, that though they are great in numbers, they cannot stand against the might of God (v11 – 12).   As we read of the shocking and shameful treatment of the slain.  As we imagine the grotesque picture of every bird and every beast of the field feasting upon the corpses of the fallen. Do we decry and cringe at the carnage, at the horrid indignity on a fellow human.  Wondering why our loving God can be so harsh and heavy handed. Are we gleeful and smug that justice is served to the enemies for they must be punished for going against the house of Israel. Or do we rightfully see God’s purpose and intent. “Then they shall know that I am the Lord. So I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, And I will not let them profane My holy name anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel.”  V6 – 9 As Paul and Peter described the nature of God in Rom 9:22 and 2 Peter 3:15 respectively.  God desires for man’s salvation.  For that He has put off the destruction that man rightfully deserves.  But once the period of grace is over for it is only right not to expect an indefinite period of grace), God will take action to protect His name and sovereignty. We should see the awesome power of our Lord and know that nothing can stand in His way.  If we stand on the side of God and the love of God abides in us, we shall be victors, regardless of how strong and mighty our enemies are. (Rom 8:31 – 39).   Hence in all wisdom, to whom should we pledge our allegiance and trust? And how shall we direct our lives?  As the author of Hebrews exhorts us (Heb 10:26 – 31), we must see things in the right perspective.  Our God is an awesome God, one that we must fear, honour, submit and obey. 

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