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Drawing closer to Jesus through His words
All Devotionals for Matthew

Matthew Chapter 26
Mathhew 26 records Jesus’ last moments on the earth. As time was running out, we could see how different people used this chance. Firstly, we read about the group of betrayers who were plotting on how to kill Jesus (v3-5, 14). This group also includes Judas who did not take his chance to repent, even when Jesus had already acknowledged that it was Judas who was going to betray Him (v25). Next, we read about Mary who used the alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil to annoint Jesus’ head. Despite the disciples’ criticisms towards her, she actually received commendations from the Lord Jesus Christ for taking her chance to pour the fragrant oil on His body, for His burial (v12). Furthermore, as we read this chapter, we can testify how her good work is indeed told as a memorial wherever the gospel is preached (v13). Lastly, we also read about how the disciples fled when Jesus was captured. This included Peter who then wept bitterly when he realized how he had denied Jesus. Earlier on, Peter confidently claimed that “Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble” (v33). However, in his weaknesses, Peter failed to showcase his faith during Jesus’ last moment on earth. How about us today? As the signs of the end times are becoming more and more obvious, how have we been using our time? Let us be prudent and not be caught off guard.
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