Bible Reading

Daniel Chapter 12 - Ready… Set… Huh…?

The great and dreadful day of the Lord draws near.

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2 min read

I believe many of you dread deadlines just like I do.

Deadlines connote death in the figurative sense; the deep, deep trouble that I will be in if I fail to complete my task on time.

Yet even though we hate deadlines, we desire to know what the deadline is.

With this knowledge, we feel more assured, more in control, and do not suffer the ignominy of being caught by surprise.

How we approach deadlines, however, does vary vastly from person to person. While the more prudent ones plan their time wisely and quickly complete tasks, with time to spare.

There are yet others, who will procrastinate and deliver (with great hope and expectancy a decent and satisfactory) piece of work right on the dot, just before the line of death.

What about the ultimate deadline of when Jesus comes again?

While there are some, who foolishly think themselves divinely enlightened to know this mystery, our Lord has unequivocally told us that no one will ever know this date (Matthew 24:36-42).

We should also not be unwise and display the same nonchalance and foolishness of the people in Noah’s time. They enjoyed life, until one day the flood came and swept them away.

We, however, have received a greater blessing than Daniel. Though Daniel sought to understand what the end of these things shall be, he was denied. Our Lord Jesus has revealed to us the signs of the last days (Matt 24) and the things that will shortly take place (Rev 22:6 to 11). Do we reciprocate His kindness toward us by arming ourselves with the right attitude and actions?

Though missing deadlines in the physical world may just be a slap on the hand, a trivial loss or setback, this is incomparable to missing this spiritual deadline.

Let us wise up, for we cannot afford to suffer shame and everlasting contempt. Not us, nor those whom we love.

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