Jesus’s mission is to bring salvation to those trapped in sin. What’s yours?
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Family altar

Listen to the devotional here.
“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me,
Because the LORD has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison to those who are bound.”
(Isaiah 61:1)
Jesus said these words as He began His ministry on earth (Luke 4:18, 19). This was His mission statement.
Here, we see His heart. Jesus came to this world to preach. Knowing that sin separates us from God, Jesus came to die and save everyone from sin so that they could be close to God again.
A mission statement tells us what we are about. What our goals are. It shapes what we do.
As followers of Jesus Christ, He asks us to complete His mission. He calls us to help people who are sad and tell those who are trapped in sin that Jesus can save them.
When Jesus died on the cross and rose again, He took the punishment for all the wrongs we’ve ever done. Anyone who obeys His gospel will be set free from sin.
Now, we have become the body of Christ, His hands and His feet. We must share His passion, suffering, and love.
Even though it may seem difficult to live out this mission every day, God helps us. How? Because the same Spirit poured out on Christ has now been poured out on us.
Completing this mission starts with being filled with His Spirit. It starts when we pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done.”
In our lives, we can make many plans. As a church, we can think of many different programs to have. But how do we spend our time? What choices do we make? Do the things we do complete the mission for which God gave us His Spirit?
Let us ask ourselves, Will it set the prisoners free? Will it bind up the broken hearted?
Family Altar
Use these discussion questions and our prayer as a guide for your family altar.
Parents can lead the prayer and invite their children to repeat after them or encourage their children to take the lead, making family altar time a shared journey of faith.
Discussion questions:
How can you show God’s love to somebody this week?
Who is 1 person you can share the gospel with?
If you were to have a mission statement as a disciple of Jesus, what would it be?
Prayer in words:
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Jesus, Your mission is to save everyone from sin. Sometimes it is hard to do what is good and to love others. But You have promised us the Holy Spirit to help us. Please fill us with the Holy Spirit. Today, we want to do our part and tell others about Your amazing grace. Thank You for letting us be a part of Your mission. We love You, Jesus. Amen.
Adapted from Cass, Rupert. “Mission Statement”. True Jesus Church.