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John Chapter 13 - Jesus' Final Acts in the World

It is often said that things done and said right before death hold immense weight and importance. John chapter 13 records this exact instance for the man who had the most important job to do: Jesus. The key event recorded in the first part of John 13 is Jesus washing His disciples’ feet. This event teaches us the humility that one ought to have as a servant of God. Jesus, the master, played the role of a servant for His disciples, teaching us that when we are put in leadership positions in the Church, our purpose is to serve others and not lord over them. However, this occasion holds more significance than just a lesson on humility. The chapter begins saying Jesus “knew that his hour had come”. Jesus needed to complete a few important things before He died for all of mankind’s sins and amongst these few things was this sacrament of Footwashing. When Peter did not understand what Jesus was doing, Jesus explained that if He did not wash him, Peter would have no part with Him (verse 8). The footwashing conducted here had the purpose of providing a part with Jesus and Peter’s reaction to Jesus’ words show us just how important footwashing really is. The initial reaction that Peter had to Jesus washing his feet actually draws out more reflection points for us. Initially, Peter refused to let Jesus wash his feet because in his view, his master should never wash his feet. Peter was so confident in his own judgement, so much so that he forgot that he was disregarding what Jesus wanted. Today, in our lives, are we like this as well? Do we unknowingly trust more in our judgement of situations and things instead of trusting in God’s will and process? The last thing Jesus leaves His disciples with in this chapter is His new commandment to love one another as He had loved them (verse 34). It seems strange that Jesus called this a new commandment since the commandment of love has always been there, since old testament times. However, this new commandment gives this love a new reference point: Jesus. It sets a new standard to not just love others as ourselves, but to love others unconditionally and sacrificially just like Jesus. This new commandment of love is also further explained to be the mark of the disciples of Jesus for all to see. In our lives today, this is still the case. Our love for others should be apparent and should show others the true meaning of being a Christian.

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