




以西结书 第三十四章(英文)

In Ezekiel 34, God brings a prophecy against the shepherds of Israel, whom God had instituted as spiritual leaders over the flock—His people. Not only had these leaders failed to nourish God’s sheep, they had also abused their power, reaping personal benefits at the sheep’s expense. “The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them.” (Eze 34:4) You and I may not so be so bold to abuse God’s flock as these failed leaders had.  It would, however, be foolish of us to disregard these rebukes completely. You likely have others you can look out for in this journey of faith – your sheep. Let us consider: Whatever kind of a shepherd we now are, however our sheep may respond to us, Jesus wants us to always pray and not lose heart (Lk 18:1). The perfect Shepherd is ready to grant us an upright heart and a skilful hand to shepherd His people as David did (Psa 78:72).  More importantly, God is the perfect Shepherd. Where we may fail in our ministry, God can do infinitely more. Despite those shepherds’ failings, God says, “I will seek what was lost and bring back what was driven away, bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick” (Ezekiel 34:16). Moreover, when you and I are in our darkest days, we have a perfect shepherd who restores our soul (Psa 23:3). Our Shepherd declares, “You are My flock, the flock of My pasture; you are men, and I am your God” (Eze 34:31). As you embrace your ministry of shepherding God’s sheep, never stop allowing God to shepherd you. All the sheep of His pasture fare so wondrously fine His sheep am I.


以西结书 第三十三章(英文)

“I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?” — Ezekiel 33:11 From the verse above, we can sense both God's love and His frustration towards His people. God does not wish for His people to perish; therefore, He appointed Ezekiel as a watchman for the house of Israel, to warn the wicked to turn from their ways. From other earlier chapters, we read that one’s salvation depends on personal righteousness and faithfulness toward God. Even if surrounded by righteous individuals, one will not be saved unless they turn away from their wickedness (Ezekiel 14:14). However, the earlier part of Ezekiel 33 also reminds us that the watchman will be held accountable if he fails to warn others about impending judgment. Today, we also have a message to share with others: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” — Mark 1:15 As watchmen in our present time, are we mindful of our duties? Are we aware of the serious consequences of not sounding the alarm, despite knowing what will happen to the wicked if they do not repent? Let us not fear the rejection of others, but instead, let us truly fear the judgment that God will bring upon those who do not repent.


以西结书 第三十一章(英文)

“History looks very different depending on which window you open to look at it” (Ben Rhodes) This is the third of four chapters detailing the words of God and lamentation directed towards Pharoah and Egypt.  This chapter specifically highlighted Assyria as an example, a warning to Pharoah (and Egypt) not to be conceited and arrogance before the Lord God.  Though in splendour, glory and greatness, they excel even above the chosen people of God, they shall meet their downfall in the Pit. But the point is, will they listen.  Even when the outcomes of those who came before them are clearly manifested.  Will they see life’s lessons plainly spelt out through the historical records.  Does not the quotation ring a bell.  Oftentimes, we shut our eyes and refuse to see and acknowledge the similarities and connections, we turn a deaf ear, pretending not to hear the wise counsel, we refuse to think and reflect as such stirrings do not reach our mind and heart.   While these words no longer serve much purpose to the original recipient of the word of the Lord, what we need to recognise is that these ‘historical records’ serve a higher purpose for us.  Just as Paul pointed out to the gentile believers in Corinth (1 Cor 10:1 - 15; that though it seemed that the Israelites journey in the wilderness is an incident in the Old Testament.  There is deep meaning and purpose in their recording.  Paul in v1 formed the intimate link and connection, when he emphasised on “our fathers” – not a physical lineage connection for there is none, but a spiritual link (cf Gal 3: 27 -29) and in v11 that these things become our examples, written for our admonition and v15, that if we are truly wise, we will surely heed and pay attention by deep thinking and making a judgement for ourselves. Hence are we also like Pharoah and the Egyptians towards God and men.  As God ask Pharoah, the same question is asked of us “whom are you like in your greatness?”.  Do we ascribe all glory to ourselves rather than to God.  Remember Nebuchadnezzar. Finally, it is interesting to note in v6, that in the parables of Jesus, He also bring to mind the birds (Matt 13 Parables of Sower and Mustard Seed).  In the parables of Jesus, the birds ate the seed (the words of God), thus destroying the work of God.  In like manner, as we prosper and grow, as we increase in abundance and greatness, will the word that is in us also be chipped away.  Let us guard what is most precious in us and not be robbed from the eternal rewards in heaven.  It will be a great pity if, despite all the grace that God showered upon us, we end up in the Pit.


以西结书 第二十五章(英文)

Ezekiel 25 Ezekiel 25 describes the four neighboring Gentile nations that would face God’s judgment. The Ammonites would be judged because they were overjoyed when The Temple of God was defiled (Ezekiel 25:1-7). The Moabites because they did not recognize Judah as God’s chosen people and They said “Hey, Judah is just like one of us now.”. They found pleasure in Judah’s wickedness (Ezekiel 25:8-11) The Edomites because of their racial hatred for the Jews (Ezekiel 25:12-14), although they were blood brothers of the Jews, both nations having descended from Isaac (Genesis 25:19-26). The Edomites hated Israel so much that they rejoiced when Jerusalem was destroyed. Teman was in the northern part of Edom and Dedan was in the southern part of Edom. Thus, Ezekiel was saying that the entire country would be destroyed. And the Philistines because they sought vengeance against Judah for defeating them in battle (Ezekiel 25:15-17). In general, God punished the neighboring nations because their heart was not in the right place. They rejoiced when things went badly for Judah. Have you ever wished bad things to happen to your “enemies''? There is a saying “Be careful what you wish for.” Or have you ever had evil thoughts or overjoyed when you saw your “enemy” in trouble? Let us be careful with having such evil thoughts, because God might punish you for that as well. The Lord teaches His children not to seek vengeance, but to love and forgive our enemies (Matthew 5:44), because vengeance belongs to the Lord (Romans 12:19). He will bring His perfect judgment and justice in due time, and the righteous people will enjoy His eternal blessings. Amen.


以西结书 第二十四章(英文)

In the same chapter that God delivers to Ezekiel shocking national news of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, God also delivers to Ezekiel shocking personal news. His wife will die that day. Our past devotionals have discussed much about why God’s punishment of the house of Israel is righteous, rather than unwarranted. God reiterates here that according to their filthy, lewd deeds that they will be judged. Why, then, did Ezekiel’s wife have to die? Why did she have to be punished? Such a statement reveals a very human assumption: death is punishment, and God has no right to take away human life. Does He have no right? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not (Rom 9:14). Above all, life is not in our hands. We neither know when we will die (Eccl 9:12), nor do we have power over our spirits in the day of death (Eccl 8:8). Life, though, is in God’s hands. Take a step back and realise who we are before the Lord. Merely the thing formed, speaking to Him who formed us. He who gives life has the authority to take it away (Rom 9:20-21). Is the Lord then cruel to Ezekiel, taking away his wife so suddenly, then demanding that he hem in his grief by an unwavering silence? Although everyone dies one day, a clear divine plan shrouds the death of Ezekiel’s wife: just as God will take away the delight of Ezekiel’s eyes, God will also take away the delight of the people, their temple in Jerusalem. I believe this, and full faith in God’s good sovereignty, would have fuelled Ezekiel’s surrender. We too can gain strength to face the difficulties that stomp into our lives with no warning. Others may see a mess, but we can see a message from God, even when we may not understand. The message could be as simple as realising the true sovereignty of our good God. Such surrender opens up all of us—even the mess, the loss, the pain—to be used for His glory. If we find ourselves struggling to surrender, we can make earnest, desperate prayers to learn obedience to God’s plan (Heb 5:7). It is when we surrender that we live out God’s message, even in the mess.


以西结书 第二十三章(英文)

I chose to share on this chapter arbitrarily without first reading through the content. Kind of regretted my action the moment I started reading to prepare this article. While the message is clear, and content is straightforward. Certain words used and the descriptors used to bring home the message may touch on raw nerves. As one bible commentary puts it; “ At this point in time, do we find it difficult as well to accept that all scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction In righteousness… There was this point made in the documentary that I watched on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust atrocities. The people in the USA were aware of the inhumane brutality inflicted on the Jews by what they heard over the radio. But it was only when the camps were opened for public view for the first time that the full brunt and impact of these acts struck them. The harsh realities sunk in and overwhelmed them when photographs of the victims were shown to the outside world after years of concealment. We need these graphic stimulus to have a complete and accurate picture. That by it, we truly learn life’s lessons. In like manner, through the strong imagery portrayed, do we not see how deplorable a state of decadence, Israel and Judah, had sunk into. The grievous sins that they have committed utterly disappointed and infuriated God. Despite all the strongly worded warnings and the severe chastisement afflicted, the people remained stiff-necked, hard hearted and stubbornly unrepentant. We often only emphasized the tender mercy and lovingkindness of the Lord. We also need to firmly remember and never forget that God is a consuming fire (Deut 4:24, Heb 12:28 – 29), one that we should never disregard nor dishonour. He is the Lord God, the Almighty one that we must greatly and reverently fear.


以西结书 第二十二章(英文)

Many people see the weaknesses of Christians through history or around them. They then conclude: God must not be real. Others see the weaknesses of believers in the True Jesus Church and conclude: this church must not be true. But the faithlessness of man does not change who God is. Otherwise, why would He be God? Throughout history, we see instances of God’s people failing to live out a life of transformation. In Ezekiel 22, God lists an awfully shameful list of sins that these supposed “followers of God” had committed. These “believers” had Imagine being surrounded by people who claimed to follow God, yet bullied their way (or worse: murdered their way) to wealth and positions of power. Sad to say, we do see this in the world today. And I can see why many would be discouraged by such sights. Do the evils of such “followers of God” render God as no longer Almighty? Is it God’s fault that His people lived such horrible lives of wickedness and sin? Not at all. God gives us all free will. Unfortunately, these believers made poor, evil choices. God teaches us clearly through the Bible how to follow Him. But no matter how these people proclaimed to be followers of God, through their actions, they had stopped following Him. What we can take heart in is that God sees and knows. He does not turn a blind eye to such wrongdoing. “Behold,” God says to them, “I beat My fists at the dishonest profit which you have made, and at the bloodshed which has been in your midst. Can your heart endure, or can your hands remain strong, As this shows, God’s judgment may not come when we wish, and it may seem at times that God is silent. The question for you and I, then, is whether we can trust in God until He acts— For ourselves, though, let us not just be bystanders. Let’s avoid self-righteously pointing out others’ wickedness, but ironically fail to transform our lives too.


以西结书 第二十一章(英文)

This chapter talks about the sword of God against His people and the Ammonites, with the word “sword” being mentioned 15 times! This sword (i.e. Babylon, v19-20) is a sword of judgement that God would use to punish these two groups of people for their sins. Here are 3 things that will happen when this sword is drawn: Why both the righteous and wicked – is God being unfair? We know from the consistent message of the Bible that this is not so. God is just, and He does not indiscriminately slay the righteous with the wicked. Even for a city as depraved as Sodom and Gomorrah, God delivered Lot and his family, the only few righteous people remaining (fewer than 5!), before destroying the city (Genesis 18:23-26). Moreover, by cutting off the righteous from the land, God not only delivers them from further physical suffering including forced labour by the Babylonians, He also delivers them from further spiritual corruption by their wicked kinsmen who were steeped in idolatry. God’s promise of delivering the righteous from their troubles is a promise we must cling to (Psalm 34:19). We must also recognise that ultimately, God wants to deliver us in a spiritual sense – from the temptations of the evil one (Matthew 6:13), the corruption of the world caused by evil desires (2 Peter 1:4), and the corruption in hell (Psalm 16:10). Therefore, let us trust in the righteousness of God, knowing His will for us is not to perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). The original meaning of Israel is “prince with God”. However, now that their scepter is despised, Israel is no longer prince with God, no longer son of the King of kings. Israel is dethroned, because of the people’s wickedness. Yet, God foretells the coming of One whom God will crown because He is the rightful Ruler (v27b) – this One is none other than our Lord Jesus, whose reign and kingdom is everlasting (Luke 1:33). Just like how Esau lost his God-given birthright because of his choice to gratify a moment’s hunger, Israel lost their precious status as prince with God, children of God, because of their choice to persist in their unfaithfulness towards Him (Ezekiel 14:13). How about us: do we make personal choices that jeopardise our precious relationship with God? What does God remember? Their sins. As a result, what will God forget? His relationship with them – in other words, an utter disowning of His people. But… did God permanently forget His people? Again, we know from the consistent message of the Bible, as well as history, that this was not so. Rather, God disowns them with the purpose of cleansing them from their sins so that He can re-own them as His people – a people with a new spirit and heart of flesh that submits to God’s laws (Ezekiel 11:19-20), who will no longer stray from God (Ezekiel 14:11). As the psalmist says: “His anger is but for a moment, His favour is for life.” (Psalm 30:5) God promises that if we repent and return to Him wholeheartedly – fearing Him, meditating on His name, and serving Him (Malachi 3:16-18) – God will remember us and bless us with His favour for the rest of our life, in this age and the age to come. By always using the sword of His word to prune away sin from our hearts (Hebrews 4:12-13). Let us daily examine our thoughts and intents to see if they align with the Bible’s standards. Remember that we are naked and open to Him, secret sins and all, and one day we must give an account to God who will judge all our thoughts, words and deeds. Amen.
