Isaac 所写的文章

Featured image of 以西结书 第三十一章(英文)

以西结书 第三十一章(英文)

“History looks very different depending on which window you open to look at it” (Ben Rhodes) This is the third of four chapters detailing the words of God and lamentation directed towards Pharoah and Egypt.  This chapter specifically highlighted Assyria as an example, a warning to Pharoah (and Egypt) not to be conceited and arrogance before the Lord God.  Though in splendour, glory and greatness, they excel even above the chosen people of God, they shall meet their downfall in the Pit. But the point is, will they listen.  Even when the outcomes of those who came before them are clearly manifested.  Will they see life’s lessons plainly spelt out through the historical records.  Does not the quotation ring a bell.  Oftentimes, we shut our eyes and refuse to see and acknowledge the similarities and connections, we turn a deaf ear, pretending not to hear the wise counsel, we refuse to think and reflect as such stirrings do not reach our mind and heart.   While these words no longer serve much purpose to the original recipient of the word of the Lord, what we need to recognise is that these ‘historical records’ serve a higher purpose for us.  Just as Paul pointed out to the gentile believers in Corinth (1 Cor 10:1 - 15; that though it seemed that the Israelites journey in the wilderness is an incident in the Old Testament.  There is deep meaning and purpose in their recording.  Paul in v1 formed the intimate link and connection, when he emphasised on “our fathers” – not a physical lineage connection for there is none, but a spiritual link (cf Gal 3: 27 -29) and in v11 that these things become our examples, written for our admonition and v15, that if we are truly wise, we will surely heed and pay attention by deep thinking and making a judgement for ourselves. Hence are we also like Pharoah and the Egyptians towards God and men.  As God ask Pharoah, the same question is asked of us “whom are you like in your greatness?”.  Do we ascribe all glory to ourselves rather than to God.  Remember Nebuchadnezzar. Finally, it is interesting to note in v6, that in the parables of Jesus, He also bring to mind the birds (Matt 13 Parables of Sower and Mustard Seed).  In the parables of Jesus, the birds ate the seed (the words of God), thus destroying the work of God.  In like manner, as we prosper and grow, as we increase in abundance and greatness, will the word that is in us also be chipped away.  Let us guard what is most precious in us and not be robbed from the eternal rewards in heaven.  It will be a great pity if, despite all the grace that God showered upon us, we end up in the Pit.


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Featured image of 以西结书 第二十三章(英文)

以西结书 第二十三章(英文)

I chose to share on this chapter arbitrarily without first reading through the content. Kind of regretted my action the moment I started reading to prepare this article. While the message is clear, and content is straightforward. Certain words used and the descriptors used to bring home the message may touch on raw nerves. As one bible commentary puts it; “ Some of the most shocking words in all of Scripture are found in the book of Ezekiel” and that “people today would be squeamish about” . This is especially so for the words and phrasing used in some of the English translations. At this point in time, do we find it difficult as well to accept that all scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction In righteousness… There was this point made in the documentary that I watched on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust atrocities. The people in the USA were aware of the inhumane brutality inflicted on the Jews by what they heard over the radio. But it was only when the camps were opened for public view for the first time that the full brunt and impact of these acts struck them. The harsh realities sunk in and overwhelmed them when photographs of the victims were shown to the outside world after years of concealment. We need these graphic stimulus to have a complete and accurate picture. That by it, we truly learn life’s lessons. In like manner, through the strong imagery portrayed, do we not see how deplorable a state of decadence, Israel and Judah, had sunk into. The grievous sins that they have committed utterly disappointed and infuriated God. Despite all the strongly worded warnings and the severe chastisement afflicted, the people remained stiff-necked, hard hearted and stubbornly unrepentant. We often only emphasized the tender mercy and lovingkindness of the Lord. We also need to firmly remember and never forget that God is a consuming fire (Deut 4:24, Heb 12:28 – 29), one that we should never disregard nor dishonour. He is the Lord God, the Almighty one that we must greatly and reverently fear.


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