
约翰福音 第十五章(英文)

Stay connected to Jesus for a life of spiritual fullness and joy.

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I am the true vine…” (John 15:1a)

What does Jesus mean when He says, “I am the true vine”?

A vine is a climbing plant that produces grapes as its fruit. Also known as a grapevine, it has been a staple in Israel’s agriculture since ancient times, including Jesus’ time. The wine produced from these grapevines are integral to many areas of Jewish life, such as weddings (John 2:1-10), festivals, and religious ceremonies. 

By declaring Himself as the true vine, Jesus declares Himself to be the true life-giver. 

When wine is omitted from a Jewish wedding, the wedding can still go on, albeit less merrily. 

However, when Jesus is omitted from a person’s life, that soul will not survive (John 15:4-6). 

For our spiritual sustenance, we need to stay connected to our true vine – how?

It all boils down to what we do with Jesus’ words. 

Do we allow Jesus to prune us with His words by removing the sins and weaknesses that are exposed (John 15:2-3)?

Do we bear more fruit of the Spirit by obeying His commandments (John 15:2b, 10; Galatians 5:22-23)? 

And finally, do we abide in[1] Jesus by being consistent and enduring in our obedience to Him, even when the world hates us for it (John 15:4, 18-19)?   

A life of connection with our true vine is a life full of joy (John 15:11). 

It is a life full of the assurance that Jesus will grant us whatever we ask of Him in prayer, because we always do what pleases Him (John 15: 7, 16; 1 John 3:22). 

It is a life full of the enduring love of Jesus, who calls us His friends and wants to reveal His will to us while empowering us with the Holy Spirit to act upon it (John 15:10, 15, 26-27). 

May we stay connected with Jesus, our true vine. Amen. 🍇  

[1] The phrase “abide in” has 2 meanings: 1) staying in a particular place for an extended period, and 2) continuing in a particular state – in other words, enduring and being consistent in something over time.






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