Our most important work is to pray for the people of God.
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The Bible is stained with the sins, transgressions, atrocities, weaknesses and failings of God’s chosen. God neither censors nor minces His words in communicating to His believers the swift and exacting nature of His sovereign righteousness in His timely response to wickedness. During the infancy of our faith, the understanding that the only way that leads to eternal life in Christ is narrow and therefore, hard to find and difficult to walk on, is cemented into our minds. As we grow in stature (and by God’s grace, in some wisdom and in favour with God and man), we learn the harsh reality of this truth. The world and everything it can offer presents us a broad shiny platter of options, tempts us with the illusion of choice, human rights and free will. These options are disguised as alluring, multisensory experiences, and irresistible desires that easily appeal to our pleasure, comfort, and self-gratification-seeking nature. So much so, sometimes, we unwittingly let our guard down, cave and give in, even when those decisions are in clear and direct conflict with our better discernment, with what God requires of us. When we come to our senses, perhaps nudged back to God’s truth by His Holy Spirit, our perspective of the efficacy and sincerity of God’s forgiveness of our wrongs starts off skewed, just like the Israelites, contingent upon the complexity of physical atonement. But God has never wavered in His terms and conditions; a big ask in so few words – all He requires, as strict and precise as they come, is for us to, against false gods and all other odds, wholly fear and obey Him. Nothing can come between God and His almighty judgements. Can we thus, like such, come before our LORD? May God keep our hearts and hope grounded in His everlasting way.
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Despite the failings of God’s people as detailed in earlier chapters, Micah 4 opens with a victorious image of God as reigning over the nations. Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And peoples shall flow to it. Throughout the past few chapters, Judah’s human leaders, both political and spiritual, were rebuked harshly for their evil deeds. Yet in contrast, the reign of God brings about a state of peace. Rest. Protection. We see the imagery of this peace through the instruments of war changing into instruments of agriculture, and a quiet rest under the fruits of one’s labour. Even the ‘little ones’ in the nation will be cared for under God’s reign. Those whom the human rulers have abandoned, abused and taken advantage of, God will take them in and make them a strong nation. But this victorious era has yet to come for the people of Judah. Instead, they were facing a devastating tomorrow. One where the threat of the Babylonian exile lies on the horizon. However, God remains merciful and once again comforts His people that this is all part of His plan. That their true King has not abandoned them (Micah 4:9). Today, we may find ourselves growing weary, as we face the evil around us. Whether it be hatred, backbiting, idolatry, lewdness, drunkenness, etc. (Gal 5:19-21). With such growing evil, the future may seem likewise bleak. But if we let God reign in our life, we can be blessed! For example, the long draining work hours at the office doing repetitive tasks all for the hope of a promotion can become a meaningful mission to preach the gospel and shine as God’s light. Even suffering under a mean boss can become much less dreadful as we hold onto the hope that our King loves and will avenge the ‘little ones’ in His nation. Only, the question lies in whether we have let God reign in our lives.
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“这是好的,在我们救主神面前可蒙悦纳;祂愿意万人得救,并得以认识真理。”(提摩太前书2:3-4)。 《约拿书》第3章记录了这一情感的经典例证。它记载了先知约拿向尼尼微人传道,以及尼尼微人悔改的故事。 当我们看到尼尼微人悔改的故事时,我们可以从中找到一种安慰。正如神在尼尼微人真心悔改时宽恕了他们一样,我们也有信心,只要我们以真诚的心悔改,神今天也会以怜悯宽恕我们的罪。 然而,我们不应因为认为神会对我们仁慈而变得自满。在这一章中,我们看到尼尼微人为了寻求神的宽恕所付出的努力。首先,第6节记载,王自己披麻蒙灰,坐在灰中。第7至9节记录了王颁布的命令,要求所有百姓禁食哀哭,促使他们都在神面前悔改。让我们花点时间反思一下,这是我们最终转向神之前想要达到的状态吗?尽管尼尼微人最终得到了赦免,但我们不要被欺骗,他们当时的状态是悲惨的。 此外,《希伯来书》 10:26告诉我们:“因为我们得知真道以后,若故意犯罪,赎罪的祭就再没有了。” 神的爱是丰盛的,祂的怜悯是充足的,但我们要小心,永远不要滥用这种爱和怜悯。 约拿的故事也教导我们如何对待那些我们可能认为有罪的人。《约拿书》的叙事围绕着约拿拒绝向尼尼微宣讲的故事,因他憎恨那座城市,并怀疑那里的人民是否会改变。 当我们读到约拿的故事时,我们会很快说约拿的态度是不对的。然而,当我们看周围的同伴时,我们是否也不知不觉地采取了约拿的心态?我们是否轻易地评判他人?是否给他们贴上某些标签,并拒绝在他们的信仰上帮助他们?我们必须记住,神愿意万人得救。在神的眼中,每一个灵魂都是宝贵的。既然如此,作为神的仆人,我们必须履行祂的旨意,努力拯救每一个灵魂,无论我们对他们的看法如何。 总而言之,我们已经从神那里领受了这份爱与怜悯的礼物。我们也应当将这美好的礼物与他人分享。
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