何西阿书 第二章(英文)
Our relationship with God can only be sustained when His responses are continuously reciprocated on our part.
阅读文章何西阿书 第一章(英文)
Hosea was the last great prophet sent by God to the northern kingdom of Israel, serving from 753 to 715 BC, before their destruction and exile by Assyria. Hosea's marriage to an unfaithful woman symbolized God's unfailing love for His people, who had been unfaithful to Him—their "husband"—by turning to Baal and the gods of Canaan. He warned that unless they repented of their sin and turned back to God, they were headed for destruction. Spiritual adultery and physical adultery share many similarities, both are dangerous. God was deeply disappointed with His people for committing spiritual adultery against Him, just as Gomer had committed physical adultery against Hosea. Despite Israel's unfaithfulness, God's promises and commitment remained steadfast. His love for Israel was unwavering, and His ultimate desire is to restore a loving and faithful relationship with His people. God's enduring love and His willingness to forgive and restore those who return to Him are evident. Today, through the blood of Jesus, we become the chosen people of God—a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people. We were called out of darkness into His marvellous light. Once, we were not His people, but now we are the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy (1 Peter 2:9-10). Just as God called Hosea to demonstrate His love through personal sacrifices, we are called to respond to God's Unfailing Love. Let us reflect on our relationship with God. Are there areas in our lives where we have been unfaithful to Him? Let us examine our hearts and repent from our unfaithfulness.
阅读文章但以理书 第十二章(英文)
The great and dreadful day of the Lord draws near. Are we ready for that the time of trouble or will it hit us by surprise?
阅读文章但以理书 第十一章(英文)
Beginning from chapter 8, Daniel begins to prophesy about the future of God’s nation, Israel, which is referred to as “the Glorious Land” (8:9; 11:16, 41). We read of wars between kingdoms, such as Persia versus Greece (11:2-4) and the Northern versus the Southern kingdoms of the Greek empire (11:5-35). We also read of a vicious king who will exalt himself against God and oppress Israel (8:9-11; 11:31-33, 36-39). In history, this king was Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-164 BCE) who was notoriously known for his depraved acts, like placing idols in God’s temple and offering pigs as burnt sacrifices to blaspheme God. While these prophecies have been fulfilled in history, they are also awaiting fulfilment in the end times. The book of Revelation, which parallels the book of Daniel, also speaks of a figure who will blaspheme against God and wage war with the saints in the end times (Rev 13:5-7). Here then lies a point of critical self-reflection: Consider Daniel 11:35 which describes the fate of the Israelites who held onto their faith despite sword, flame, captivity and plundering by the king at that time: “And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time.” This verse is also somewhat repeated in 12:10 with the words “refined”, “purified” and “made white”. This highlights the importance of holding onto our faith amidst Anti-Christs so that eventually we will be counted worthy to reunite with Jesus in heaven (Rev 3:4-5). Therefore, let us also ponder: May we be able to sing this song of welcome for our Lord when we see Him again, as we’re dressed in the radiant fine linen of our righteous acts (Rev 19:6-8): “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” Amen!
阅读文章但以理书 第九章(英文)
V4,7,9 show us the goodness of God V11 the juxtaposition of ‘all Israel’ and ‘Your law’ shows that literally no one obeyed God. V12 a great disaster was brought upon the people because they rebelled. V13-14 God is merciful. Even though God knows the future, He has ‘kept the disaster in mind, and brought it upon [them]’. This means that God held the disaster back, and gave the people a chance even after they had rebelled against God, but the people ‘had not made their prayer’ (they were not going to) before God, ‘that [they] might turn from [their] iniquities and understand [God’s] truth’. Since ‘the Lord our God is righteous in all the works which He does, though [they had] not obeyed His voice’, God brought the disaster upon them because He is righteous. V20-21 repetition of ‘while i was speaking’ V23 ‘At the beginning of your supplications the command went out’. This reminds me of a sermon I heard, where the preacher was saying that if we have the need, we should ask those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart (2 Timothy 2:22) to pray for us. "Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart." 2 Timothy 2:22 NKJV The sermon speaker also mentioned that we may not be praying at the same time. Still, it is quite marvellous because someone has asked us to pray for them, and in those moments God has helped them open up a way. God is pleased with us asking (a group of) people to pray for us. The preacher said that he could also see that happening (God helping them open up a way) when people asked him to pray for them, even if he may not always remember to pray for them.